iBall has launched a new budget Android smartphone in the Indian market dubbed as iBall Andi 4Di for Rs. 5,995. Now company is having 12 different choices in the Andi smartphone series with the launch of latest device. Company has powered this smartphone with 1GHz processor and it is running Android 4.0 operating system version. iBall has targeted the entry level buyers with this budget friendly smartphone in the Indian market.
Features of iBall Andi 4Di smartphone –
It comes with 4inch IPS touch screen display with the resolution of 800*480 pixels
It is powered by a 1Ghz Cortex A9 processor along with 512MB of RAM memory
The phone is running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system
It comes with 5MP rear camera with LED flash and VGA in the front
It comes with 512MB of internal storage, expendable via MicroSd card slot
It comes with 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity features
It is powered by a 1700mAh battery
Comes in Black + Silver and White + Chrome color choices
price of iball andi 4di is affordable. let see specifications are affordable or not.
ReplyDelete@Aakriti specifications are good....and its nice to have an Ice-cream sandwich OS around Rs.6000/-